
Ai Architects

20 Evelthondos, Office K1, Strovolos, Nicosia 2003, Cyprus

Business Details

Ai Architects is a Boutique Architectural Practice that was founded by Aristotelis Irzenski in 2007. Ai Architects are a fresh practice that treat every Project as a unique experience that needs to be nurtured into becoming the final as built living product. The process of design starts with the close understanding of the Clients needs-design brief, we then prepare a design specific brief that allows us to move to the next levels of design. The direction Ai Architects takes in the design process depends very much on the Client, we cater to the needs of the Client without compromising our professional position. If the Client is dynamic and outgoing or reserved and simple then the design will be tailored to their needs. Ai Architects are very versatile and research plays a vital role in how we approach Project Design. Our work to date ranges from interior design to larger mixed use projects. Taking part in competitions allows us to work outside of an everyday mould, this helps us in giving back to ongoing projects we have in the daily office routine. We believe that in most cases an A-Z architectural package approach is crucial in achieving quality management and a satisfied Client.

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20 Evelthondos, Office K1, Strovolos, Nicosia 2003, Cyprus


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