
Agromedica Ltd

Cyprus 9, Georgiou Droushioti, Larnaca, Larnaca 6305, Cyprus


Business Details

Agromedica Ltd has been established in 1993. The head office and manufacturing facilities are located in Larnaca. The sales and distribution cover the entire island of Cyprus with owned transportation vehicles. Agromedica Ltd is primarily a vitamin and mineral premix manufacturer, importer and disributor of various feed additives, veterinary pharmaceuticals and other veterinary products. Today is one of the market leaders in Cyprus and covers all the requirements of the animal feed market in relation to the sector requirements of animal feed raw materials, feed additives, vaccines for pourly and large animals, veterinary pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, amino acids, vitamin + mineral premixes, and pet health care products.

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Cyprus 9, Georgiou Droushioti, Larnaca, Larnaca 6305, Cyprus


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