
Air Malta

11 Irinis Street, Limassol 3042, Cyprus

Business Details

Air Malta was set up by a Resolution of Malta's House of Representatives on 21st March 1973 and was registered as a limited liability company on 30th March 1973. The previous day, the Prime Minister as Minister for Civil Aviation had granted the company an Air Service Licence valid for ten years with effect from 1st April 1973. The licence was granted subject to the condition that the substantial ownership and effective control of the airline would, at all times, be held and exercised by the Government of Malta and/or by citizens of Malta and/or by companies incorporated under the laws of Malta and controlled by citizens of Malta. In the words of its charter, Air Malta's primary aim is to establish, maintain, develop and operate air transport services to and from Malta which, by the carriage of passengers, freight and mail, serve the national interest. Air Malta carries out these services under the regulation of the Maltese Department of Civil Aviation that has issued Air Malta a EU-OPS 1 Air Operator’s Certificate signifying that its operations’ safety level is similar to other European airlines that are regulated under the same standard of operation.


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