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American Medical Center/American Heart Institute (AMC/AHI)

215 215, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, Nicosia 2047, Cyprus

Business Details

Overview: The American Medical Center/American Heart Institute (AMC/AHI) is a state of the art health care facility that offers a wide range of medical services. It originally started as a dedicated cardiovascular Institute, known as the American Heart Institute (AHI) specializing in diagnostic and interventional cardiology services, cardiac-disease prevention and rehabilitation services, and offering the entire spectrum of adult cardiothoracic surgery. AHI was founded in 1999 as the first private hospital of its type in Cyprus and since 2001 it has maintained an agreement with the Ministry of Health to treat state - referred patients. In 2004 the American Heart Institute was awarded with the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate by the TUEV Rheinland/Germany, for initiating and maintaining a quality management system for patient admission, treatment and discharge processes. The Certificate was successfully maintained by annual audits. In March 2011, after the Institute moved to its new premises, it initiated a rapid expansion of health care services. The ongoing, successful and quality-driven expansion of the Clinic, which included the introduction of several new medical specialties, was recognized by TUV Rheinland/Germany. The ISO 9001:2008 Certificate covers

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215 215, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, Nicosia 2047, Cyprus


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