
Andreas Efthimiou Real Estates Agency LTD

67 Spyrou Kyprianou 67, Larnaca 6053, Cyprus

Business Details

Andreas Efthimiou Real Estates Agency LTD is a licensed Real Estate company registered under the license number 539 in Cyprus. Our headquarters are situated in Larnaca but we also have a branch in Limassol. As specialists in the Real Estate industry we work together with a network of skilled associates so that we can provide full services on Real Estate. Our success is the result of our professionalism, experience, dedication and most importantly being able to react to our customers’ needs. Our commitment to a people-oriented approach and our unparalleled dedication to service is what distinguishes us and ensures the absolute satisfaction of our customers.


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67 Spyrou Kyprianou 67, Larnaca 6053, Cyprus


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