
Andronikou Group of Companies

Cyprus MBC Business Centre Spirou Kyprianou Avenue 17, 1st Floor Suite 101, Limassol, Limassol 4001, Cyprus


Business Details

Andronikou Group of Companies is based in Limassol, Cyprus, dealing with the importation and distribution of supermarket products and consumables on a wholesale basis, as well as retailing. Its directors and main shareholders have a vast experience in international trading and import/export business since 1976. The company is a member of the bigge st private chain of discount supermarkets in Cyprus with 14 shops all across the island. Smart Discount Shops made their appearance in the Cyprus market in 2002, introducing a new and prototype philosophy to the consumer society of Cyprus; the Discount Shops. Since then it is the fastest growing chain of supermarkets and one of the top players in the retail market of Cyprus.
Smart Discount Shops company profile can be viewed at: www.smartdiscountshops.com.cy and on facebook under "Smart Discount Shops".
Andronikou Group of Companies is the exclusive agent of well-known companies and brands. The company is currently representing in Cyprus the retail giant DIA (www.diacorporate.com) exclusively importing and distributing its DIA products throughout the fourteen retail shops.

The Group is also representing in Cyprus many multinational and sound companies such as Olitalia (www.olitalia.it) the company with the most distributed oil in the world, Morando Spa (www.morando.it) one of the biggest Italian producers of pet food, Muropapel (www.muropapel.es) Spanish manufacturers of paper products, disposables, and detergents, Haitoglou Bros (www.haitogloubros.gr) one of the biggest producers of traditional Greek products, Eurimac (www.eurimac.gr) one of the leaders in the pasta industry in Europe, Hellenic Juices (www.hellenicjuices.gr) leading Greek producers of fruit juices under the brand name of VIVA, Aluminium Thalassinos (www.thalassinos.com.gr) producers of disposable products, Arnaoutelis SA (www.arnaoutelis.gr) one of the leaders in the production of private label rice and legumes products, both in Greek and International market, Terinex UK (www.terinex.co.uk) manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of catering essentials, Prochamp NL (www.prochamp.nl ) global producer of preserved mushrooms for more than forty years, and others.

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Cyprus MBC Business Centre Spirou Kyprianou Avenue 17, 1st Floor Suite 101, Limassol, Limassol 4001, Cyprus


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