
Aretaeio Private Hospital

- Andrea Avraamides street, Dasoupoli, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

Aretaeio Hospital is a private hospital that provides all diagnostic, therapeutic, medical and surgical services in modern facilities to the people of Nicosia, Cyprus and the surrounding countries. Aretaeio Hospital is located at Andreas Avraamides Street in Dasoupoli, Nicosia. The standards followed as far as building, equipment and operations are promising a luxurious, modern and super synchronised hospital, providing for 70 patient beds, four large operating theaters and two smaller operating theaters, all of them fully equipped. The hospital is comprised of two underground floors, the ground floor, and another three floors covering a total area of around 12,000 square meters, offering almost all medical specialties and types of laboratories.


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- Andrea Avraamides street, Dasoupoli, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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