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Areti Charidemou & Associates LLC

21 21 Vasili Michailidi Street, Limassol 3026, Cyprus

Business Details

Our Law Practice was established in Limassol more than 20 years ago, servicing clients in Cyprus but mainly clients in Russia and CIS, Europe and US. Our specialty among others, is in Property Law, Trust Law, Company Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Tax and Estate Law, Shipping Law. We are Members of the Cyprus Bar Association, International Bar Association, International Tax Planning Association, The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and Association of International Property Professionals. Why choose us? Our practice is servicing mainly business clients, assisting them in the proper and efficient planning of their operations internationally. All these years we have managed to serve clients by creating efficient Tax Structures, list companies in EU stock exchanges, deal successfully with complex legal and tax cases and in general managed to create a number of satisfied clients. We act as advisors to a number of Russian, European and Cypriot firms, including major investment firms, international trading companies, shipping companies. Our professionals can assist clients in a wide variety of issues including setting up a business either in Cyprus or in any other part of the world, advice on the optimum tax structure based on the individual circumst


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21 21 Vasili Michailidi Street, Limassol 3026, Cyprus


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