
Auditchart Limited

61 61 Makarios Avenue, Limassol 3065, Cyprus

Business Details

Formed in late 2004, as a result of the founding directors’ private businesses merge, Auditchart Limited provides a full range of professional, technical, consulting and business services to clients in a wide range of industries, while also retaining the flexibility and attention to detail that is needed to truly focus on individual client needs. To meet the growth, diversification and challenges faced by our clients, we continue to expand our facilities, build domestic and international strategic alliances, add personnel and improve our technological capabilities. Our office, which is based in Limassol city center, is well equipped with the latest computer and other electronic technology. Although we are based in Limassol town, we are providing our services to clients all over Cyprus and abroad. We, as a professional firm, always try to improve our services, by investing heavily in technology and training, in order to give real value to our clients, with whom we work closely, in order to assist them achieve their goals and be successful in today’s competitive global economy.

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61 61 Makarios Avenue, Limassol 3065, Cyprus


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