
Australian Houses Developers

- 1B Apostolos Varnavas Street, Nicosia 2312, Cyprus

Business Details

Mr Andreas Heraclides and Mr Andreas Constantinou established the HERACLIDES – CONSTANTINOU AUSTRALIAN HOUSE DEVELOPERS CO LTD in 1994. The company is a pioneer in Cyprus by specialising in the construction of Australian Houses. Both its directors had a long and successful career in the construction of this type of houses in Australia, where they had been living for many years. Mr Andreas Heraclides had been a building contractor for 35 years in Sydney while Mr Andreas Constantinou for 25 years in Melbourne. Initially the company faced some difficulties, which resulted from the lack of building materials needed for the construction of these particular  houses, the lack of awareness of the Cypriot public.

 Soon, however, the company’s commitment to providing customers with quality houses, its high level of professionalism, its integrity and honesty in all transactions enabled it to win the trust of the public and become the most reliable and successful company in its field. Strong Marketing Points 1. Years of successful experience 2. Australian Houses are 25% les expensive then the conventional houses 3. Time of completion of an Australian House does not exceed 4 months 4. Waterproof 5. Sound – insulating 6. Head – insulating 7. Fireproof 8. Antiseismic

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- 1B Apostolos Varnavas Street, Nicosia 2312, Cyprus


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