
Avlida Hotel

- -, Pafos -, Cyprus

Business Details

The Avlida Hotel in Pafos Cyprus is a four star hotel where you will have a very pleasant holiday. This spacious 200 room hotel has been completely renovated and enlarged in 2003. It combines excellent service, comfort, hospitality and luxury providing the perfect setting for an enjoyable holiday. There are many facilities and amenities offered so you need not ever venture far, also a sandy beach is just two minutes walk away (two hundred fifty meters). The archeological site of “Tombs of the Kings” is just opposite the hotel (between the hotel and the sea). Many shops, pubs, bars, restaurants are just next to the hotel. Pafos harbour area with its exciting nightlife featuring many restaurants, pubs, bars, and clubs and the local market are approximately ten minutes walk from the hotel (1.5 km). The friendly staff will ensure you a warm welcome.


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