
AVN Office Furniture Ltd.

6 Charilaou Trikoupi Street, Pafos -, Cyprus

Business Details

AVN Office furniture was established in 1994. Opening one shop in Charilaou Trikoupi 6, Vasos Vasiliou who is the only shareholder and president of the company, began his business, trading office and house furniture (wholesale and retail). At the beginning of 2008 expanding his business the opening of a second shop in Anthypolochagou Georgiou Savva 3 in Geroskipou. Activities are now extended to include: Office accessories Leather sofas Partitions Safe Boxes Reception and Conference Hall Furniture Filing Cabinets Both shops are very modern, comfortable, equipped by excellent, trained human resources and with customer focused philosophy.


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6 Charilaou Trikoupi Street, Pafos -, Cyprus


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