
Biomedical Laboratories

41 41 Makarios Avenue, Nicosia 1065, Cyprus

Business Details

The Clinical Lab under the name ''Biomedical Laboratories'' begun its operations on the 18th of January 1985 by its founder Charilaos (Charis) Charilaou at 22, Iras Street, in Nicosia. A little later, and since its incorporation as ''Biomedical Labs Charis Charilaou Ltd.'', the lab is rendering services in clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology and immunology, focusing primarily on the provision of broadband diagnostic testing in clinical laboratory medicine. The development of the business has been established on the three primary fundamental objectives, speedy and credible results, and innovation. More specifically, credibility and speed provide the quick and safe support to the clinical doctor, to conclude timely on a diagnosis. Within the framework of the overall objectives the lab introduced biochemical, immunological and hematological analysers in Cyprus. Pursuing further the need for quick reliable and innovative service, the lab deploys internally an investment policy on new equipment deploying the latest technological advances and on the field it establishes the ''Home Visit'' policy bringing thus the lab at the client's doorstep. Insofar as innovation and within the framework of introducing new diagnostic methods, allergy testing was introduced with a s


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41 41 Makarios Avenue, Nicosia 1065, Cyprus


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