
Champion Pet Food

- Dasaki Akhnas, Larnaca 5523, Cyprus

Business Details

Tsappis Feed Mills (G. Tsappis Zootrophes) started operating in 1975, after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, in the village of Dasaki Akhnas. Mr George Tsappis, the founder, started this company originally to provide feed for his own livestock. By expanding his work he began to provide nutrition for the livestock in the surrounding areas as well as work for other people. Since 1975 our company has grown from a very small limited production company to becoming one of the largest most modern feed mills in Cyprus today. We are the first feed mill to have both ISO and HACCP Certifications. Our company is the only feed mill in Cyprus that is using the latest innovative technology in extruded feed production, which provides animals with healthy, hygienic and palatable feeds. Today Tsappis Feed Mills have moved into many other branches of the feed industry. We are owners of an aquaculture farm for the production of sea bream and sea bass. We are also providing dairy management and nutritional services to our clients here in Cyprus as well as internationally. With these services now in place we are at a new level with our clients bringing us into close collaboration with all of their nutritional and management needs.


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