
Columbia Plaza

223 223 Ayiou Andreou Street, Limassol -, Cyprus

Business Details

Our much anticipated venue opened its doors in November 2008 to eager crowds who could not wait to check out what the new Plaza had to offer. Consisting of a couple of restaurants with terrace seating and private dining areas, a beautiful bustling courtyard, a live music bar, a private cinema, a cigar lounge, a multi-functional venue centre, and two fashion-clothing boutiques, as well as its own townhouses and car park, the Plaza truly fills an empty niche in the Cypriot market. It is an exhilarating, multipurpose centre, unique to the island…one that promises to meet all your needs and desires. Whether you are looking for somewhere to dine, a place in which to entertain or conduct business or other events, or a trendy nightspot where you can listen to internationally acclaimed music, this exciting new establishment, nestled in the heart of Limassol’s old town, has it all. In one easily accessible location, the Plaza offers diverse and affordable services, flying in international acts and staff to offer you the best in unique entertainment and quality gastronomia. With its modern and clean-cut architecture, the Plaza has added a face-lift to the neighbourhood, as well as the kind of ‘buzz’ which is usually felt only in cosmopolitan hubs abroad. Columbia Steakhouse


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223 223 Ayiou Andreou Street, Limassol -, Cyprus


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