

Cyprus 18, Anastasi Soukri, Limassol, Limassol 3105, Cyprus


Business Details

COMARINE was founded in 1965 by the long-established Co-operative Movement of Cyprus. It has been conceived as the shipping arm of the Cyprus Co-operatives, for its considerable export and import activities. At the same time COMARINE was assigned to deal with the travel needs of the Co-operatives, whether business or pleasure.

The continuous outstanding performance, in both shipping and travel, enabled COMARINE to accumulate substantial reserves, which in turn gave it the ability to extent its activities into hotel ownership, and today we are proud to own the Miramare Beach Hotel as well as the adjoined to it ex Asteria Beach Hotel.

Our aim is to provide value for money comprehensive and innovative solutions that satisfy your needs. We are dedicated in providing a consistently increasing level of professional service, simply because you are important to us.
As a team, we strive to maintain a working environment that promotes equal opportunities and social values.

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Cyprus 18, Anastasi Soukri, Limassol, Limassol 3105, Cyprus


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