
Cyprus Bureau of Shipping

- Corner Spyrou Araouzou & Koumandarias Street, Tonia Court Two, 2nd Floor, Limassol -, Cyprus

Business Details

The Cyprus Bureau of Shipping (CBS) is the Classification Society of Cyprus. It operates under a certified IS0 9001 system and it is fully authorized by several Administrations. Its primary purpose is to provide independent, unbiased and technically sound services in determining the fitness of the structural, mechanical and equipment aspects of ships and other marine structures. This is carried out by establishing and maintaining regulations and standards or applying acceptable rules for the design, construction' and operation of ships and other marine structures. Traditional classification services are offered by qualified and experienced surveyors through its exclusive offices. CBS has been in operation since 1987 and through its quality services has gained a reputable position in the market. CBS has established strategic alliances with organisations such as the Polish Register of Shipping (PRS) and the Bulgarian Register of Shipping (BRS). CBS services have been recognized and utilized by the Cyprus Government and more specifically by The Ministry of Communications & Works The Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism The Ministry of Defence The Ministry of Justice & Public Order The Ministry of Agriculture / Department of Fisheries and Mar


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- Corner Spyrou Araouzou & Koumandarias Street, Tonia Court Two, 2nd Floor, Limassol -, Cyprus


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