
Cyprus Golf Resort

- -, Pafos -, Cyprus

Business Details

Cyprus Golf resorts Ltd is the management company of Minthis Hills Golf Club and Secret Valley Golf Club. This company was established in 1998. Both our courses are 18 holes championship Golf courses. Cyprus Golf Resorts Ltd introduced the game of golf to Cyprus and is since that time very much involved in promoting and developing the game even more. Already since many years the company gives the opportunity to youngsters to follow Golf lessons free of charge in order to create an interest under the Cypriot community for the game of golf. Beside our yearly growing memberships, tourism has brought many golfers onto our courses. The good thing is that many of our customers are coming back year after year this is very awarding. The climate in Cyprus is of cause excellent for golf as we have nearly all year sunshine. We hope that we get the opportunity to welcome you at our courses. Minthis Hills Golf Club: 18 Holes of Superb Golf set in the grounds of 12th century Monastery. Secret Valley Golf Club: 18 Holes set in a spectacular setting in a scenic valley with grand trees and beautiful sculpted rock formations around.


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