
Cyprus Quad Bike Safari

5 Louka Christou 5, Kissonerga, 8574 Pafos, Pafos 8574, Cyprus

Business Details

Fancy some adventure? Jump onto your very own quad bike and ride off into the hills of Paphos. Take in some of the breathtaking scenery while we take you off the beaten track. We will pass the Mayo Kolimbos Dam and then down towards the Adonis Baths for a great view of the waterfalls...more and other areas of interest. Join us for a full day out with lunch included, or alternatively for a half day of full on fun. Either way, you will certainly enjoy a superb day out.


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5 Louka Christou 5, Kissonerga, 8574 Pafos, Pafos 8574, Cyprus


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