
Cyprus Safety & Health Association

- -, Nicosia -, Cyprus

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The Cyprus Safety & Health Association celebrates in 2006 its 15th Anniversary as it was founded in Nicosia - Cyprus in September 1991. According to the Association’s constitution its main purpose is " ... to contribute towards the efforts for protection and promotion of safety and health at work and to the prevention of risks concerning the public in general" The founding members of the Association were just twenty one (21). The number of members has recently increased to more than hundred and fifty (150). The great majority of the members belong to the private sector although a good number of Labour Inspectors are also members. President of the Association since founded and until the 1st November 1997, was Mr. Achilleas Callimachos, ex Chief Inspector of Factories and Director of Labour. Mr Athos Charalambous, first Secretary of CySHA, succeeded Mr Callimachos, and the Presidency of the Association as from January 2004 went to Mr Christophoros Theofilou.


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