
Cyprus Villages Traditional Houses Ltd

- Tochni, Larnaca -, Cyprus

Business Details

CYPRUS VILLAGES offers you the unique opportunity to live in a traditional stone-built village home… stroll along the narrow cobbled paths to the village square…. have a coffee in the local coffee shop… and settle into an easy-going Mediterranean lifestyle that respects and nurtures timeless traditions. Before you know it, you will be a member of the local community, and will enjoy the generous Cypriot hospitality that can be summed up in a single word, "kopiaste"… come and join us! CYPRUS VILLAGES was established in 1987 by Sofronis Potamitis, in an effort to revive rural communities and preserve the traditional houses of bygone days. With loving care, several abandoned and ruined family houses were thoroughly renovated to provide comfort without sacrificing their original, rustic character.


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