
Dafermou Winery

- Lefkara Road, Pano Lefkara -, Cyprus

Business Details


Above the Lefkara Valley, Ktima Dafermou blends uniquely with the natural surroundings of the vineyards and the rolling hills.The winery is perfectly located, just 7 kilometres (From Skarinou Exit on the way to Lefkara) from the Nicosia Limassol main highway. The winery, like the wine, joins new world and old world aesthetics. Modern Materials-concrete-glass, stainless-steel- are juxtaposed against Lefkara building techniques. The respect for the estate’s unique territory guides all aspects of production:limited quantities to ensure exceptional quality, organic production. Ktima Dafermou is an exceptional facility that can offer beautiful settings for both indoor and outdoor private events.

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- Lefkara Road, Pano Lefkara -, Cyprus


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