
Diachroniki Gallery

84 Arsinois 84, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

Cyprus Art Gallery Diachroniki is specialised in paintings, prints, mosaics and other art objects with the theme: Cyprus yesterday and today. In three galleries in the centre of the old town of Nicosia you will find an extensive exhitibition of carefully chosen and high quality works of art, antiques and art reproductions for sale. Cyprus Art Gallery Diachroniki is open every day excepts Sundays, from 10 AM until 5 PM. In the gallery we sell paintings, prints, mosaics, sculpture, icons, antique objects d'art, jewellery, watches, limited editions and monotypes. Besides all these original Cyprus art works, we stock over 1.500 reproductions of paintings depicting scenes from Cyprus of the past and the present. Cyprus Art Gallery Diachroniki also organises special exhibitions dedicated to a specific artist who expresses his love and affection for Cyprus in art using his own style and technique. Other regular events of the gallery are lectures, music nights, wine tasting and parties. For current and future events themed around Cyprus art, check the art gallery events box at the right, or click the "Special Events" button.


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