
E-Motion Dance & Health Studio

8 8, Viantos Street, Nicosia 2042, Cyprus

Business Details

Offers classes for Zumba, Pilates, Yoga, Ballet, and Dance in Nicosia Strovolos, Cyprus. Each lesson accommodates a small number of students in each class. E-motion Dance & Health Studio was created in 2008 by Eleni Mendoni. The goal of the studio is to provide to its members comfort and safety, whilst in a fun and professional environment. Arrangements are made so that each lesson accommodates only a small number of students in each class, giving the chance to each student to have the appropriate attention from his/her trainer. The studio also gives the option to its members to choose lessons according to their preference. Each member can choose their own combination of lessons according to their physical condition and age, and with the right guidance from the management they can choose lessons which represents their needs. Each member can choose and combine several classes after a personal consultation with the management. For more information, please visit our website at http://www.emotioncy.com, or give us a call at 7000 7061.

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8 8, Viantos Street, Nicosia 2042, Cyprus


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