
Euthymiades Audiology Centre

8 8 Methonis Street, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

Euthymiades Audiology Centre Ltd is a pioneer private company in the world of hearing impairment in Cyprus. The history of EAC LTD goes back to 1899 when Zenon J. Euthymiades founded the general commerce company Z.J. Euthymiades & Co Ltd. In the course of the years, the changing needs of the society and the advancement of hearing aid technology has changed the directions of this company. In 1949, the need of hearing aids in Cyprus and the intent to help hearing impaired people was the primary reason for ZJE & Co LTD to begin the import of Hearing Aids. The growing realisation of the necessity of these hearing instruments made it essential for the company to invest time, energy and money in developing. A completely separate company, under the name of Euthymiades Audiology Centre Ltd was established. A Century later, EAC LTD is housed in their own premises with the headquarters in the centre of the capital city of Nicosia and with branches in Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos. EAC LTD is recognised as one of the leading Audiological Centres in the Mediterranean. The most advanced, up-to-date technology is used in the manufacture and after care of hearing instruments. Assembling hearing aids of all kinds but particularly ITC, ITE, and CIC aids, has made the company


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8 8 Methonis Street, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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