
Hadjimatheou Brothers and Co Limited

2 2 Doxas Street, Larnaca -, Cyprus

Business Details

Hadjimatheou Brothers and Co Limited was established just over 10 years ago, and ranks as one of the most successful development companies in Cyprus. Hadjimatheou’s highly qualified team of property experts, architects and civil engineers includes some of the most competent professionals on the island, giving its customers the best of what the Cyprus market can offer in design, quality and service. A complete range of properties is available, from apartments in town, to custom designed houses in prestigious areas and plots of land in superb locations in Larnaca and Nicosia. Hadjimatheou serves its customers with variety and quality. Hadjimatheou puts its customers first, and for this reason we have recently established a services department in our company. Hadjimatheou has created this department to provide complete and efficient service to our clients, gaining their trust with the handling of their property and generally providing them with peace of mind. The main aim of this department is to care for the development of your property in your absence, and assist you with all your final finishing’s and fittings. Here at Hadjimatheou we focus on our clients in everything we do, and with pride and confidence we can say that we have earned the trust and friendsh


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