
KKP Accountancy Services Ltd

Cyprus 61 Lordou Vironos Str., Lumiel Building 4th Floor, Larnaca, Larnaca 6023, Cyprus


Business Details

KKP is an ambitious and growing firm of Chartered Certified Accountants, based in Larnaca, Cyprus. We focus on understanding your individual business needs and position ourselves as your trusted business partner. We look forward to helping you to develop your business opportunities and take care of all your routine bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, and company secretarial requirements. Our dedicated professionals stand ready to assist you by providing specialist services in auditing, accounting, taxation and business consulting. We give the service you want at the highest quality and at the right price. We always respond as fast as possible to every client need and we always try to do a good job whatever the particular assignment is. In these days of intense financial pressure and competition, it takes more than technical skills and knowledge to identify and implement optimum solutions. It also demands commercial instinct and know-how.

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Cyprus 61 Lordou Vironos Str., Lumiel Building 4th Floor, Larnaca, Larnaca 6023, Cyprus

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