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Lifebank Cord Blood Bank

87 87 Vasileos Constantinou Avenue, Pafos -, Cyprus

Business Details

Company Profile LifeBank was established to provide the safest and most reliable service available in the field of Cord Blood Banking. LifeBank operates under specific guidelines and directions set by the European Union. Our facilities and technical equipment along with the procedures followed for the collection, processing and cryopreservation of cord blood are based on the requirements of the European organizations for Cord Blood Banking, EUROCORD and NETCORD. At LifeBank, our priority is your peace of mind. Our professional and medically knowledgeable staff will provide you with all the relevant information and assistance which will guide you through this important decision. Mission Statement Life Bank's mission is to help protect the future wellness of families and to bestow peace of mind to parents and other family members by providing them with a potential treatment for a host of severe, life-altering, deadly illnesses and ailments. LifeBank’s mission is to offer a reliable and safe choice for the protection of your child’s future health. In order to achieve this, LifeBank is committed to the application of internationally accepted practices on Cord Blood Banking and to continuous improvement.


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87 87 Vasileos Constantinou Avenue, Pafos -, Cyprus


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