
Markides, Markides & Co.

- Markides House, Nicosia 1703, Cyprus

Business Details

Welcome to our Firm. From my earliest days at the Firm when we undertook a comprehensive restructuring process to address the changing needs of our clientele in the then nascent Republic of Cyprus, the modus operandi has been the same: to excel. Striving for excellence In truth, this uncompromising professional ethic had been a maxim of the Firm since its establishment in 1933 and was already a key driver of our success. At Markides, Markides & Co., performing above expectations has never been an option or an afterthought, but rather a defining attribute of how we do business. Today, with our ever-increasing international client roster, the value we place on "going that one step further" resonates with our clients more than ever, as do the benefits which they reap from such a commitment. Making precision our standard We realise, above all, that safeguarding the interests of clients requires and receives a solid commitment to impeccable execution. This not only necessitates an infrastructure that promotes efficiency and cutting-edge technology, it also places a premium on demanding minds and depth of knowledge: people with the ability to anticipate challenges and deliver results. Staying On The Cutting Edge of Progress The Firm is thus characterised by a

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- Markides House, Nicosia 1703, Cyprus


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