
Marnico Furnishings

- Corner Inomenon Etnon & Sofias Vempo Street, Larnaca 6042, Cyprus

Business Details

Marnico Furnishings Ltd has become synonymous with high quality and reliability in the Cyprus market. For more than two decades, Marnico Furnishings brings the Cypriot customers the superior design and high quality furniture with very good prices, representing some of the biggest and well established brands of Italy. In the showroom in Larnaca you can find a big variety of classic, semi classic and modern furniture as well as curtain and upholstery fabrics and decorative items that meet the needs of the most demanding client. Always with the best quality in the best price, and our after sales service the Contract Furniture Department offers a unique collection for the furnishings of restaurants, hotels, cafeterias etc. A specialised team of interior designers provide advice and solution helping to create personalised spaces with comfort and elegance.


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- Corner Inomenon Etnon & Sofias Vempo Street, Larnaca 6042, Cyprus


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