
MIBS Travel Organisation

21 21B Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Larnaca 6017, Cyprus

Business Details

Moscow International Business Services (MIBS) was established in 1990, with the primary goal to offer the best quality of services in the tourist sector, and soon became one of the most respected companies due their knowledge and specialization in the Russian market and CIS countries. MIBS has responded to the market needs, in 1993 starded charter flights from Moscow and has been working closely with the Russian travel agencies to promote tourism in Cyprus. MIBS worked for all these years very closely with the biggest ex-USSR tour operators like Intourist, Sputnik and has given to there clients the real opportunity to visit and enjoy Cyprus. MIBS was the exclusive travel agent as well the official 2004 Olympic Games Ticket Agent for Cyprus, Russia and Ukraine. MIBS offers its partners low prices for individuals, tourist groups of tourists and businessmen, and special rates for sports clubs, sports federations, and sports competitions in Cyprus.


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21 21B Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Larnaca 6017, Cyprus


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