

147 Franklin Roosevelt, LIMASSOL 3045, Cyprus

Business Details

The best prices. Our made-to-order business model removes the need for costly distributors, shops and warehouses and allows us to pass those huge savings on to our customers. It’s worth the wait. The very latest and best furniture design. We are always working to uncover the latest style trends and the best contemporary design. Great quality. All of our furniture is produced to the highest quality standards by our reputable partner factories who already work with numerous designer brands across Europe. Intuitive website design. With a clear, clean layout and detailed product information and photos - our new look website is even easier to understand and use. Directly to your door. Our delivery team will always call ahead to schedule a delivery time and day, ensuring your furniture arrives on your doorstep as quickly as possible.

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147 Franklin Roosevelt, LIMASSOL 3045, Cyprus


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