
Pankemi Lab

- Industrial Area Aradippou, 7100, Larnaca, Cyprus, Larnaca 7100, Cyprus

Business Details


Welcome to Pankemi Lab. Pankemi Lab is a chemical laboratory located in Larnaca, Cyprus. Our Lab is accredited according to ISO 17025, with specific scope by Cyprus Accreditation Body, CYS-CYSAB, (certificate number L007, www.cys.mcit.gov.cy) Our team is comprised of experienced analysts and scientists that offer high quality services. In 2011 the laboratory moved into new state of the art premises to facilitate the business growth and ensure quality excellence. Pankemi Lab is a member of Panchris Group a growing organization, with a primary focus on customer satisfaction.

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- Industrial Area Aradippou, 7100, Larnaca, Cyprus, Larnaca 7100, Cyprus


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