
Property Solutions Ltd

187 183 Georgiou Avenue, Limassol 4048, Cyprus

Business Details

Property Solutions Ltd. – registered since 1997 real estate agents, professional estimators, and businessmen who with the years of their own experience learned to find the best Solutions in Cyprus Property market. We have a vast selection of the best possible variants to invest and to live in Cyprus. We are ready to share with You our experience to take the best possible real estate decisions! Highest Quality Standards Our business approach is to find the Best Price/Quality combinations. According to this principles we choose the Best Proposals of the Best Suppliers to offer it to your chose. We choose the best locations - Some parts of Limassol are better suited for higher quality living than others. For investors, property prices in certain areas tend to rise faster. We work only with the Developers having proven reputation. The level of construction quality is linked, to a great extent, to construction techniques. Our rule is to work only with the true professional developers who use the latest techniques in the industry and guarantee the highest possible quality for the competitive prices. With this advantages you might expect to pay a premium price for our properties. And yet, shop around, and you will discover that we provide really competitive pric


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187 183 Georgiou Avenue, Limassol 4048, Cyprus


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