
Sweet Home Estates

5 5 Chimaras Street, Famagusta -, Cyprus

Business Details

Sweet Home Estates is an established Registered and Licensed estate agency and is part of PCP Interpartners group of companies. The group operates successfully in the real estate sector offering amongst others consultancy, valuations, property development, project management, property management as well as property sales and rentals. Our strategy is to offer a professional and client focused service across the real estate sector. The Group through its subsidiaries as well as the network of our associates could offer services ranging from Legal advice, construction management, financial services as well as corporate consulting. Our director other from a Registered estate agent is a Registered property surveyor and valuer out of the 70 registered surveyors in Cyprus and out off the 3 specializing on the East coast.


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5 5 Chimaras Street, Famagusta -, Cyprus


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