
Ocean Basket

- Avanti Holiday Village Piazza, Pafos -, Cyprus

Business Details

Introduction Ocean Basket is South Africa's favourite chain of seafood restaurants. There's one near you, where you will find friendly people, a home-from-home feeling, and great value for your hardearned bucks. Some Ocean Baskets have a fresh-fish deli too, and you can order to eat in or takeaway, whatever grabs you. One thing's for sure. You will find only the freshest seafood at Ocean Basket. Plus, some nice wines to make a great meal even greater. Ocean Basket is for all da family, cos children love good seafood as much as you do. Come on in and have a whale of a time! History Ocean Basket has been around for years ... since brothers Fats and George Lazarides hooked up with George Nichas back in 1995, in Pretoria. Da brothers, being of Mediterranean descent and also being so far from da coast, often dreamed of seafood. And since George Nichas had boatloads of knowhow selling fresh seafood, da three schemed how to start a seafood restaurant where people could afford a simple but real good meal. We wanted to make people aware of good seafood, Fats says. We wanted to create a simple place where people could enjoy a great meal and great value. A homely place where they'd get together with friends and feel like they're part of our family. Fats and the t


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- Avanti Holiday Village Piazza, Pafos -, Cyprus


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