
Alexander College

11 2 Artas Street Aradippou, Larnaca 7102, Cyprus

Business Details

Alexander College is a leading specialist college with an international reputation for excellence in art, design, media and now business. Our expertise range from the most traditional design disciplines, such as drawing from observation, through to the more contemporary, such as web design, digital photography and animation. Our Business courses alike, are delivered through a variety of modules which implement different learning techniques that will provide you with specialised knowledge in administrative and management skills relevant to business operation, marketing and finance of any company. In our 17-year history we have equipped artists, designers and media professionals with specialist skills that are valued by employers - and are equally valuable if you want to work for yourself. Over the years Alexander College graduates have won prestigious competitions and awards, exhibited in major Cyprus and international galleries, and have published work in many journals and magazines. Our courses are mainly practical, and the majority are assessed accordingly, with emphasis on coursework and assignments, not formal exams. But you will learn more than skills - we also want you to become a thoughtful practitioner, alert to the theoretical, historical, cultural and so


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11 2 Artas Street Aradippou, Larnaca 7102, Cyprus


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