
Axiom Consulting

21 21 Academias Ave, 8th floor 2107 Aglantzia, Nicosia 2107, Cyprus

Business Details

Axiom leads the way to customer loyalty by suggesting undisputable practices, based on our long expertise and professionalism. Our logo, the Axiom Mountain, signifies stability, a solid presence and a reliable authority that our clients can depend on. It also symbolizes our vision: to climb to the top of our industry, which we can only achieve through commitment and determination. Axiom offers strategic marketing consulting and information technology solutions for customer loyalty management and relationship marketing. We also offer vertical services and solutions for specialized industries, such as Banking, Insurance, Retail and Travel. Our esteemed client portfolio includes large financial institutions, retailers and shipping companies, all of which are leading the customer loyalty path in their industries and countries in which they operate.


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21 21 Academias Ave, 8th floor 2107 Aglantzia, Nicosia 2107, Cyprus


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