
CHM Legal Consultants

7 7 Manoli Kalomiri Street, Limassol 3030, Cyprus

Business Details

CHM is a boutique law firm established in Limassol, Cyprus, that concentrates on corporate law, property law and related areas. We specialise so that our lawyers can give their clients the best possible personal and professional service. CHM deals with ownership of property in Cyprus and elsewhere, including Land Registry procedures, property valuation, wills and probate law. CHM can assist with property development, planning, licensing and ensure your property documentation is correctly presented and secured with the authorities. CHM offers special expertise in all areas of commercial, company and business law. We undertake the registration of companies, company management and banking management. One of the core elements of our legal services is to give advice on negotiating and drafting commercial contracts. CHM can hold Power of Attorney so that you can administrate your property or operate your business from overseas. All clients of CHM receive our utmost attention concerning their legal needs, no matter if the case is relatively straight forward or complex. In every case, large or small, the clients’ needs come first. We welcome all your calls, letters and e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs


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7 7 Manoli Kalomiri Street, Limassol 3030, Cyprus


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