
Dot Restaurant

6 Athinas 6A, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

Established in 2004, Dot Restaurant is a well known restaurant with a clientele made up of locals and holiday makers. It is located in nicosia, 1 km west of the centre of town. Dot Restaurant ‘s is nicosia’s diner. This is where everybody come for 10 years now to sit back, relax, and enjoy delicious, hearty meals 24/7, every day of the year. From breakfast anytime to satisfying lunches and seafood, beverages and desserts if you’re in the mood for it, chances are we’re serving it. Dot’s is always open, always welcoming and always serving up hearty diner food along with a mug of fresh hot coffee. So come on in anytime, make a reservation if you like, park yourself in a comfortable booth, take a seat at the counter, whatever you want, because it won’t take you long to understand why we’re truly nicosia’s diner.

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6 Athinas 6A, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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