
Kykkos Monastery

- Μουσείον Ιεράς Μονής Κύκκου, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

The Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos has followed all the formal specifications of modern museums but it is substantially different from them. It is not a museum that is completely separate from the functional space of the items it exhibits and neither is it a museum that contai...morens exhibits only on the strength of their artistic value as are the museums of ancient Greek art. It is a museum situated inside the monastery itself and like its treasury it forms an integral part of it. Its exhibits such as icons, holy objects, woodcarvings, vestments, embroideries, manuscripts etc, are exhibited as part of the living adoration and the history of the monastery.


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- Μουσείον Ιεράς Μονής Κύκκου, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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