
Prospecta Developers

87 87 Apostolou Pavlou Avenue, Pafos 8131, Cyprus

Business Details

A family run business, Prospecta Development prides itself on quality luxury living at an affordable price. For nearly 30 years we have built more than 540 homes, each with the same care and 100% commitment to satisfaction. Concentrating on the beautiful west side of the island, Prospecta Development has made dreams reality. Each home is of superior design, ensuring an attractive home that is also comfortable to live in. The combination of quality materials and dedicated workmanship guarantees your house is meticulously crafted to create a customised home that is uniquely yours. Each home owner is as individual and we at Prospecta Development can offer the most flexible payment terms to meet your individual requirements. Offering two final inspections between ourselves and the home owner (the first being 10 days prior to delivery, the second the day before delivery) means the moment you receive the keys, your home is delivered to the highest of standards and is ready to entertain your guests. Our greatest recognition comes from the recognition we receive from our home owners and their smile as we hand over the keys! We look forward to welcoming you into our home to discuss your future home…and share a Zivania! Best wishes for your future home, Anton

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87 87 Apostolou Pavlou Avenue, Pafos 8131, Cyprus


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