
Ydrogios Insurance Co Ltd

2 2 Medousis Street, Larnaca 6059, Cyprus

Business Details

Ydrogios was founded in Greece in the early 70's. It is today one of the most highly respected insurance companies in the Greek market. In July 2002 Ydrogios Insurance Company (Cyprus) Ltd was established to develop the Cypriot business. "Ydrogios" Insurance and Reinsurance S.A. is build on solid economic foundations. It has 20 privately owned branches in Greece and has business relationships with over 1,600 qualified professional representatives. The characteristics of the company are its credibility, its stability, its prompt service, and the immediate payment of claims. This has inspired the confidence and respect of the modern and demanding customer. The capital of the company exceeds €35 million. In addition investments in bonds are more than €56 million and investments in real estate exceed €48 million. The earned premiums of the company for the year 2007 were €105 million, with technical deposits counting for 100% of earnings in net premiums. The company's solvency margin is twice its liability, evidence of its economic strength. Ydrogios Insurance Company (Cyprus) Ltd follows the same vision, the same policies and goals of the parent company. It offers the same pioneering products and looks forward to being at the fore-front of innovation in the Cypru


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2 2 Medousis Street, Larnaca 6059, Cyprus


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