
Cyprus Cement Company

- PO Box 50378 Limassol, Limassol -, Cyprus

Business Details

The Cyprus Cement Company Limited is a member of the Galatariotis Group of Companies and an associated company of Holcim Group. It has established itself over the last 50 years as a successful and robust organisation and contributed immensely to the economic development of Cyprus. ...more The success of our organisation can be attributed, amongst other things to: -The very positive contribution of Holcim to the technological development and upgrading of the plant during the last 30 years. -Our employees quest for innovation, results -orientation and passion for performance. -Our open, flexible and collaborative corporate structure. -The strength and quality of our products. -The close, based on trust, relationship with our customers. -Our ethical commitment to environmental and social responsibility. -Our brand logo, Kolossi Castle, is a fine example of military architecture that was constructed in the 13th century. It illustrates the enduring strength through time of our products and more importantly our long-term financial strength and performance.

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