

4 4C Pentayias Street, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

Digicom Ltd was established in October of 1982 with a clear objective to provide solutions to electricity problems that affected the proper operation of any electronic device. With the introduction of computers in manufacturing as well as the business environment, digicom's business soon took off. Representing leading manufacturers of Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Rectifiers, Inverters as well as Battery manufacturers, digicom was able to provide correct solutions to power problems appearing in computer applications, telecommunication, transmission, as well as medical equipment. Our engineering team, consisting of factory trained electronic engineers and technicians, is continuously updated on recent developments in the power protection field. They are able to provide assistance and advice from the design and planning stage of a project right through to the installation and commissioning of power protection equipment. Two points that differentiate Digicom from other suppliers, is the sound & informed advice and recommendations made by the company regarding a customer's specific requirements, which is offered following an extensive study of the specific site and application. The second point is that following an installation Digicom's engineers provide unrivall


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4 4C Pentayias Street, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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